Report: See-through photovoltaic glazing solutions based on back contact solar cells
This document describes the development of laminated glazing units with back-contact solar cells. A background section briefly explains the evolution of the back contact cells development over time and the status of the technology today. A second section shows how the prototype has been developed; the configuration and the design, the existing alternatives and how the problems encountered have been resolved. The final results achieved are presented, as well as the optimized manufacturing process description. An analysis of the costs and payback periods calculation is further presented in Section 4, before the main conclusions with regards to the PVSITES objectives is presented.
BIPV market and stakeholder survey: Summary of results
This short document summarises the results obtained from respondents to a BIPV market and stakeholder survey, which was carried out in the summer of 2016. The goal of the survey was to help the consortium to identify the BIPV market perspectives, including its trends, key drivers and challenges from the point of view of the different stakeholders. Key conclusions are provided at the end of the document.
Report: European regulatory framework for BIPV
The document analyses the current regulatory framework applying to BIPV in Europe on both the technical and market sides. A specific focus is made on grid-parity evolution and self-consumption opportunities. The implications for the PVSITES products to be installed at the demonstration sites are derived.
Report: Nearly zero-energy building concepts for the application of BIPV elements
This document describes the current European policy framework for nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEBs) and provides an overview of the state-of-the-art technical concepts and requirements at the center of European regulation. Several nZEB concepts are derived for different European locations, showing varying levels of BIPV integration.
Report: Prototype of BIPV simulation tool - First version
This report summarizes the prototype statement and first exploitable results for the PVSITES BIPV software tool as of June 2016. It characterizes the distinctive functionalities, connections, maturity levels and steps needed to maximize exploitation, market uptake and commercialization of the software under development.
Report: European climate zones and bioclimatic design requirements
This report analyses how climatic zones as currently defined in Europe can influence the design of nZEBs. It also looks into state-of-the-art national and regional regulations for nZEBs to assess the extent to which they favor BIPV. The combination of these analyses provides an overview of the European regions which are currently the most favorable for the installation of BIPV systems.
Report: Architectural and aesthetical requirements for BIPV building elements in PVSITES
This report describes the architectural and aesthetical requirements of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems. For a good understanding, the report starts with a general introduction of architectural aspects that apply to roofs and facades of buildings. The second part focuses on the products that will be used within the PVSITES project and finally it gives recommendations for building integration.
Report: Quality Management Plan
This document describes the internal project organization and procedures, tasks, timings, efforts and roles within the PVSITES project. It includes an updated, detailed project management plan, Gantt chart and work breakdown structure. It displays at least a schedule per task, responsible partner, related subtasks, related deliverables and dependencies to other tasks.
Report: Standardization needs for BIPV
This document describes the standard tests needed for the fourteen BIPV products to be developed in the framework of the project prior to their market introduction. A listing and a comprehensive analysis of standards concerning BIPV products is proposed. Based on this analysis, a specific testing plan is proposed to ensure that each BIPV product developed during the course of the PVSITES complies with the identified standards. The final goal is to ensure long term reliability and performance of the BIPV products.